High Speed Internet Pre-Qualified
10 Organizations Pre-qualified to Address High-Speed Internet in Nova Scotia
Improving rural high-speed internet service is a priority. Having a strong internet network will help our province build places where businesses and people flourish. In 2018, the government placed $193 million in an internet funding trust to help connect more communities, homes and businesses across the province. Develop Nova Scotia is responsible for developing and implementing a strategy to bring reliable, high-speed internet to rural Nova Scotia.
Develop Nova Scotia launched the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative in December 2018 when we announced our process to pre-qualify organizations to bid on projects across the province. This process closed on March 13th, 2019 and 11 submissions were received. Submissions were evaluated for financial capacity, human resources and experience to build, maintain, grow and evolve the networks.
Ten organizations have been qualified and include a mix of small and large companies, as well as municipalities. They Include:
1. Bell Canada
2. Cross Country TV Limited
3. Eastlink
4. ISM Canada (IBM Canada)
5. Mainland Telecom
6. Municipality of Kings
7. Municipality of Pictou County (with Nova Communications)
8. Seaside Communications
9. TNC Wireless Ltd.
10. Xplornet
In an effort to create opportunities for connections as quickly as possible, Develop Nova Scotia will issue the first call for proposals to those who pre-qualified in early May seeking solutions that can be implemented within 6-12 months. A second call for proposals will be issued in the fall seeking longer term solutions. We are confident projects will begin in some communities in 2019.
For more information, visit the Nova Scotia Procurement Site.
Media Contacts:
Develop Nova Scotia
Email: media@buildns.ca