New Glace Bay Dialysis Unit Set to Open

Glace Bay residents will soon have improved access to dialysis with the opening of the Tom Peach Renal Dialysis Clinic. The new six-station unit will begin treating patients at Glace Bay Hospital later this month.
“The completion of the new dialysis unit at Glace Bay Hospital is an important milestone and means patients can receive treatment closer to home,” said Business Minister Geoff MacLellan, on behalf of Health and Wellness Minister Leo Glavine. “This is the first of many exciting changes at the Glace Bay Hospital, including an expanded emergency department and renovated surgical suites.”
Government invested $5.8 million in the unit’s construction. The project was also funded by the estate of the late Thomas Peach of Glace Bay, who left $1.9 million with the intent of helping establish dialysis services in the community.
Patients will be under the care of nephrologists from Cape Breton Regional Hospital who support satellite units. Two registered nurses, two licensed practical nurses, two renal assistants, and a part-time social worker, pharmacist and dietitian have been hired to support the new clinic.
The Tom Peach Renal Dialysis Clinic will treat about 24 patients from the community who previously had to travel to Cape Breton Regional Hospital for dialysis.
Quick facts:
- Dialysis is a process where patients without fully functioning kidneys use specialized equipment or processes to remove waste, salt and extra water from their blood.
- The main dialysis centre for renal services in the Eastern Zone is at Cape Breton Regional Hospital in Sydney with 26 stations. There are also four satellite renal dialysis units located at Northside General, Inverness Consolidated Memorial, St. Martha’s Regional and Strait-Richmond hospitals.
- As part of the CBRM Health Care Redevelopment Project, four more stations will be added to North Sydney, increasing to 12 from eight.
- Construction for the Glace Bay project began in July 2019 by Joneljim Construction.
- Government is also building or expanding dialysis units in Kentville, Digby, Bridgewater, Halifax and Dartmouth.
We know patients have better health outcomes when they are able to access services in their home communities. We are delighted to offer this service to residents of Glace Bay. We look forward to the future and what’s to come with other redevelopment projects and the positive impacts they will have on patient care.
Dr. Elwood MacMullin, CBRM Health Care Redevelopment Project senior medical director
Expanding dialysis services to Glace Bay is an important step forward for the provincial renal program. This satellite unit will reduce pressure on the Cape Breton Regional Hospital dialysis unit, cut down on travel time for many people in the Glace Bay area and complement other satellite dialysis services in Cape Breton, including units in Inverness, North Sydney and Strait Richmond.
Dr. Tom Hewlett, Nova Scotia Health Authority’s Eastern Zone chief of nephrology
This is an exciting day for patients, families and our community. It is made possible because of the late Tom Peach and the commitment and dedication from our board of directors, volunteers and other donors. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support the foundation and contributed to improving health care locally.
Glenn Meade, Glace Bay Hospital Foundation chair