Trenton Commercial Park
Trenton, Nova Scotia
About Trenton Commercial Park

The site in Trenton, Nova Scotia is approximately 89 acres of cleared, level industrial land. This includes 12 acres of reinforced laydown yard. Close proximity to 310 MW Nova Scotia Power Inc. Trenton Generating Station (red circle) Served by Cape Breton and Central Nova Scotia Rail Line.
For several decades, 34 Power Plant Road was the site of a rail car manufacturing facility. From 2012 – 2016, wind turbine towers were manufactured here. The entire site is 106 acres, and most of the area not occupied by buildings is level, tree-less and pad ready. The 12-acre laydown yard is ideal for a pad, having been prepared with a two-foot gravel base to accommodate wind turbine towers.
Significant testing and remediation were conducted on the site beginning in 2010, prior to the conversion to a wind turbine tower plant. An environmental indemnity from the Nova Scotia government is in effect for the entire property.
The property is zoned General Industrial, allowing for most industrial and commercial activities.
Utility Infrastructure
Municipal water systems supply potable water and fire protection. The site is also connected to the Town of Trenton municipal sewer system.
Nova Scotia Power Inc. has a 307 MW coal-fired generating plant adjacent to the site.