Evergreen Festival 2022

Friday Nov. 26, 2021 – Sunday Dec. 19, 2021
But the lights of Evergreen Bright remain until Sun. Jan. 2, 2022
Visit EvergreenFestNS.com for details and updates!
Follow along on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Nova Scotia’s popular Evergreen Festival is back with even more to experience and enjoy as the community comes alive with music, lights and joy!
Having kicked off in 2020, the inaugural edition of the Evergreen Festival was scaled back due to COVID-19 BUT the twinkle of Evergreen Bright and the Evergreen Stage certainly was welcomed by one and all in attendance.
With 2021 plans well underway, mark you calendars and get ready to to get outside along the Halifax waterfront, throughout downtown Halifax and beyond to experience Evergreen!
You can look forward to a curated collection of extraordinary experiences including:
- Evergreen Bright
- Evergreen Stage
- Evergreen Market
- Evergreen Soups & Sips
- Evergreen Events, and
- Evergreen Overnight Packages
Want to get involved?
Businesses and organizations interested in learning more about getting involved in Evergreen Festival – drop us an email !