Peggy’s Cove: Develop Nova Scotia to operate new provincial properties for 2021-22 season

The Develop Nova Scotia team and our many project partners have been a regular fixture in Peggy’s Cove since 2018. As we approach a phased completion of the construction that began in Fall 2020, Develop Nova Scotia is thrilled to share that our team has been tasked with operating new and renovated provincially-owned assets and infrastructure in Peggy’s Cove for the 2021-22 season.
This includes the operations and maintenance of the new common area, sidewalks and boardwalk, parking inventory systems, and public washrooms.
This operations work is intended to be a pilot for the 2021-22 season. Develop Nova Scotia will use our existing context, continued engagement with community, and operations experience from this season to put forward recommendations for a long-term operational plan for the provincially-owned assets in Peggy’s Cove.
We will be sharing more information on operations as our plans with our team, partners, and community come together. For now, some key updates include:
- The new public washrooms near the new common area opened on June 15, 2021—they will operate 7 days a week from 9am-9pm. This is the first piece of new provincial infrastructure in Peggy’s Cove to open to the public.
- Develop Nova Scotia and our construction partners are focused on completing construction and preparing for final paving in June 2021. For the latest construction updates, click here.
- Develop Nova Scotia worked with community and area contacts to distribute information for local businesses interested in providing contract services in Peggy’s Cove for 2021-22. Our operations planning is currently focused on immediate needs for contract services like washroom cleaning, garbage pickup, and wastewater removal. For more information on our RFSQ list for operations and maintenance services, click here. Contract services for washroom cleaning and garbage pick-up were awarded to The Sou’Wester Restaurant through this procurement process.
- Develop Nova Scotia on-site hours for project, planning, and community support will resume later in June and we will provide more details on location and hours when available. In the meantime, we encourage residents to continue to reach out directly to us by phone or email.
- We are here to be good neighbours, so Develop Nova Scotia is working with community, to create a Community Advisory Committee to provide direct input into management needs and issues as we move through this pilot season together. This committee will include representatives from Develop Nova Scotia, local residents, the Peggy’s Cove Commission, local business owners/operators, community groups, and the broader St. Margaret’s Bay community.
- The viewing deck is expected to reach completion in August 2021 and we are working towards having everything fully open and operational, including the additional public washrooms near the viewing deck, by September 2021.
- The Peggy’s Cove Visitor Information Centre is open for the season and continues to be staffed and operated by our partners at Tourism Nova Scotia.
- For the latest construction update or for more information on the Peggy’s Cove Project, click here.