Tall Ship Visit: Cuauhtémoc

Waterfront Development, along with the Royal Canadian Navy, is pleased to host Tall Ship ‘Cuauhtémoc’, on the Halifax waterfront. (Spanish pronunciation is kwauˈtemok)
This is a sail training vessel from Mexico. She is expected to arrive this Thursday, May 12 and depart May 16.
The arrival of this Tall Ship is expected to be a spectacular event with a display of cadets standing on its masts and canyon shots salute. This will take place near Point Pleasant Park and then she will sail and dock at Cable Wharf South Side around 10 am.
As part of our Visiting Ship Program, the ship will be open for free public deck tours per the schedule below.
The Tall Ship will be available to visits by the general public throughout its entire stay in Halifax. Cuauhtémoc will sail away with over 150 crew and training cadets from Mexico and other countries towards London, UK, at 10 am on Monday, May 16.
Photo: TJ Maguire, Waterfront Development