Bayers Lake Community Outpatient Centre Project Development Report

In August 2020, Government awarded EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare the contract to design, build, finance and maintain the new Community Outpatient Centre in Bayers Lake, Halifax.
Government assesses each capital project closely to determine the best approach based on factors such as value for taxpayers’ money, timing and capabilities required for each project. The Bayers Lake component of the QEII New Generation project was established as a P3 project as this provides a greater certainty around cost and timelines.
Recently, an updated value for money or VFM analysis for the Community Outpatient Centre project was completed. The analysis used contracted costs supplied by EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare and the final project plan.
The results confirmed that the Province should expect overall lifetime risk adjusted costs of the Bayers Lake project to be over $35 million less through the design, build, finance and maintain arrangement as compared to a traditional model. That is a reduction of nearly 15%.
This report supports the selected delivery model and confirms that the project will realize the maximum benefits possible for all Nova Scotians.
View the full report here:
Bayers Lake Community Outpatient Centre Project Development Report (October 23, 2020)