Public Tender Electronic Submissions (Email) Guideline
It is an exciting time to be in Nova Scotia at the water’s edge. It is where our ocean economy is building. It is where world-class researchers and industry innovate and collaborate to connect with new markets. It is where visitors come to experience and celebrate our maritime culture. It is where our residents, current and future, find inspiration. There is a new momentum in Nova Scotia and at the centre of this energy is “place”. Our place by the sea is our greatest natural advantage. It gives the world a reason to know us, to do business with us and to visit us. It shapes our culture and industry on and off the water’s edge – it always has. The extent to which we are able to harness this natural competitive advantage and develop it sustainably, will determine our future prosperity.
Build Nova Scotia recognizes that necessity drives innovation. To this end, we have established an electronic (email) Tender submission process. Effective immediately, all submissions are to be delivered electronically (by email) to
Hard copy submissions (mailed) or faxed copies will not be accepted.
Submission/file details as follows:
- Submission subject lines MUST read “DNS-1920-1234” (please insert specific Tender number)
only; - Submissions should be sent in one email, if possible, and be less than 100 mb in size. Proponents whose submissions exceed their internet service delivery limits may send their emails in multiple parts. Proponents who split submissions into multiple emails should indicate this in the opening line of their email’s free text. For example, “Email 1 of 2” followed by “Email 2 of 2”. Proponents should make every effort to minimize submission file sizes;
- Submissions must be in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word and or Microsoft Excel format (unless a specific change is indicated and approved by the Tender process Point of Contact); and
- Submissions may be Zipped.
Proponents will automatically receive notification of submission delivery – this will act as the proof of submission. Proponents who do not receive this notification should seek clarification (please check your junk folder first); and
Proponents are responsible to ensure prescribed formats and submission protocols are strictly followed. Proponents who deviate from directions provided in Tender documents may be disqualified at Build Nova Scotia’s sole discretion.
Potential participants are to direct questions related to this initiative to