Open Hearth Park Sydney, Nova Scotia
Sydney, Nova Scotia
Sport Fields
The Commons area contains two sports fields: a synthetic field for soccer and football play and a natural turf field for soccer play.
Synthetic Turf Multi-purpose Field: A new synthetic turf soccer and football field is located on the east side of the Commons area adjacent to Inglis Street. Field dimensions conform to Canadian Football and Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) standards. Bleacher seating is placed to the west of the new field and is accessible from the main oval path adjacent to the field. Spectator seating is slightly elevated in relation to the field to provide optimum sight lines and to enhance aesthetics. A modern lighting systems illuminates the filed at night. The field lighting establishes tournament class conditions and increases the hours of available use.
Natural Turf Field: The park holds a new natural turf soccer field with dimensions in conformance with the Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) standards. The field is situated to the east end of the interior of the Commons oval. At the east end of the filed is spectator seating.The natural turf field will provides a spectator assembly space for larger performance events that will be held in the park.
A modern playground is located in the Commons area. The playground is easily accessible from the Ferry and Inglis Street intersection. The play environment appeals to children aged 3-12. Play components are enveloped in a more naturalized setting and is designed to challenge children and enhance play value.
Components include:
- Foam padded surface play area.
- Varying slide heights built into landform that is accessible by pathway or rope climb.
- A track glide.
- A curvilinear rail with climbing and suspended netting.
- Stationary musical instruments.
- A water play environment.
Seating is provided for supervision purposes.